Privacy notice – Online survey
As you may know, a new Data Protection law (known as the General Data Protection Regulation) was introduced in the UK in May 2018. This says we need to provide you with the small print (‘Privacy Notice’) on how your survey answers will be handled.
Who will be in charge of any Personal Data about me?
The University of Stirling will be in charge of the information, including any personal information (data), you give the research team as part of the Alcohol FC online survey. (Under the new Data Protection law, the University will be what is known as the ‘Controller’ of the data you give us.)
Why do the research team need any personal data?
The new Data Protection law means that we have to remind you that we are collecting some identifiable information (such as your age, gender and religion). This is known as personal data. We are also collecting what is known as ’special category’ information about alcohol use. All the survey questions are optional, so you can choose not to answer a question.
We are conducting the survey to explore the importance and role of alcohol consumption for football fans as well as the factors which influence attitudes and beliefs towards alcohol consumption and current regulations surrounding alcohol and football. We are only collecting the information (data) we need to help us do this.
What is the legal basis for processing any data you choose to give us?
Your answers will be collected, used and stored (processed) in line with the new Data Protection law. The legal reason for processing your answers (personal data and special category of personal data) is known as ‘public interest’.
What do we do with the answers that you give?
The Alcohol FC research team at the Universities of Stirling, Loughborough and Edinburgh (U.K.) will have access to all information, including any personal information (data), you give as part of the survey. Strong measures are in place in the universities to protect the confidentiality of the information that you give to us. The only time we might tell someone else what you say is if:
we believe that someone could be seriously hurt or there is a serious risk to security
we have specific information about serious crimes or serious violations of prison rules
we are required by the law to share information.
The funder requires that all data created during the lifetime of an ESRC grant must be made available for re-use or archiving within three months of the end of the grant. The research team must deposit the data with a suitable data service provider within this period.
How long do we keep your answers?
We will keep the information you give the research team for 10 years after the study finishes. After this time, all electronic data will be securely deleted.
Are the research results published?
The research team will make sure they take account of everyone’s answers to write reports and research articles and give talks as part of the Alcohol FC Study. The survey answers will be completely anonymous. No names will be included in articles, papers or talks.
What are your rights?
Please remember that you can stop at any time during the survey and you can withdraw your data within one month of completion without giving a reason by writing to Richard Purves, ISM, Pathfoot Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA.
You also have the right to object to us processing your answers however, please note that once the data are being analysed and/or results published it may not be possible to remove your data from the study.
If at any point you think the personal data which we are holding about you might be incorrect, you can ask to see it and have it restricted, corrected or deleted.
If you wish to use any of these rights or to complain about how you think we have handled your personal data, please contact:
Joanna Morrow, Data Protection Officer and Deputy Secretary of University of Stirling,, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA.
If you would like to speak to someone else not involved with this research or pursue any complaint, you can contact:
Jayne Donaldson, Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport, University of Stirling, FK9 4LA.
If you are not happy with our response or believe we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the law, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) or 0303 123 1113.