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The Alcohol FC project is based at the University of Stirling and Loughborough University, with the Principal Investigator, Dr Richard Purves (Institute for Social Marketing, University of Stirling) leading the overall project and overseeing the Scottish elements of the research and Dr Richard Giulianotti overseeing the research in England.


Alcohol FC is funded by the Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) (Grant ref: ES/R008485/1).


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Richard Purves

Richard Purves is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Social Marketing based at the University of Stirling.


Richard’s research interests include alcohol marketing and policy and the impact of commercial marketing on addictive behaviours (tobacco, gambling).

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Stephen Morrow

Stephen Morrow is Senior Lecturer in Sport Finance at the University of Stirling. 


His main research interests are in the financing, ownership and governance of football clubs and in supporter involvement therein.

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Richard Giulianotti

Richard Giulianotti is Professor of Sociology at Loughborough University. 


His main research interests are in sport (particularly football), globalization, development, peace, spectator cultures and subcultures, policing and security, youth, and crime and deviance.  He has acted as principal investigator and co-investigator on numerous research projects funded by the ESRC and other agencies.


Angus Bancroft

Angus Bancroft is a lecturer at the University of Edinburgh who studies alcohol and culture, darknet drug markets and smart drugs.

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Kate Hunt

Kate is Professor in Behavioural Sciences and Health at the Institute for Social Marketing at the University of Stirling and an Honorary Professor at the University of Glasgow.


Kate’s research interests include: gender, health, health behaviours and help-seeking; designing and evaluating gender-sensitive interventions; evaluation of policy change within the Scottish prison service; and experiences of health and illness. She has worked extensively in the professional sports setting.

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